Podiatrist Offices Conveniently Located In Kenilworth, Bayonne, Little Ferry & Montclair New Jersey

Innovative Foot & Ankle

Foot Surgery

Foot Surgery

Your podiatrist has recommended that you have foot surgery. The surgery may be needed to relieve pain, correct a deformity or restore function in your foot or ankle. Foot surgery occurs in your podiatrists office, a surgery center or in a hospital. To ensure a rapid and successful recovery following foot surgery it is important […]
Persistent Foot Pain

Persistent Foot Pain

If you have persistent foot pain, see your podiatrist. Prompt foot care may help prevent the later conditions of painful knee, hip and lower back problems. For more information visit http://www.innovativefootandankle.com or to contact us to set up an appointment at one of our convenient New Jersey locations in Kenilworth, Bayonne, Cranford, and Little Ferry
What causes foot problems?

What causes foot problems?

Abnormal functioning of the foot, such as incorrect joint and tendon motion, can cause pressure on the within the foot. This pressure, can create bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, corns and calluses. Incorrect motion can lead to bone deformities, like bunions and hammertoes, which then cause shoes to fit tighter. Tight shoes can result in neuromas, corns […]
Prevention and Treatment of Fungal Nail Infections.

Prevention and Treatment of Fungal Nail Infections.

Fungal infections develop in warm, damp conditions. Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent infections. Wash feet with soap and water and dry thoroughly. Wear clean socks and let your shoes dry out between wearing. Try not to walk barefoot in community areas. Use toenail clippers and trim short and straight across. Wear shower […]
Prevention and Treatment of Athlete’s Foot

Prevention and Treatment of Athlete’s Foot

Keep your feet, and bath and shower area, clean and dry Always wear clean socks. Avoid wearing the same shoes two days in a row giving them time to dry out. Try not to walk barefoot in community areas. Always wash and dry feet carefully, especially between the toes. Use foot powder to keep feet […]
Six Steps to Healthier Feet

Six Steps to Healthier Feet

Wear comfortable shoes and socks that fit your feet. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly. Keep your toenails trimmed short and straight across. Apply cream or lotion to your feet to keep skin smooth, but avoid getting it between your toes. Wear clean socks or stockings and avoid wearing the same shoes two days in […]
Athletes Foot

Athletes Foot

Athlete’s foot is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It can be spread to others by a bathtub, shower, clothing or towels. Symptoms include itch, burning, painful cracking, redness, scaly and peeling skin and blisters. If left untreated, it can spread to toenails or even the groin area. Foot fungus can be treated with […]
What are Corn and Calluses of the Feet?

What are Corn and Calluses of the Feet?

A corn is hard. Thickened skin that can occur on the top, between or on the tip of the toes. A callus is similar but is larger and usually occurs across the ball of the foot. Corns and calluses are your skins way of protecting you. The thicker the corn or callus becomes, the more […]
What is Podiatry?

What is Podiatry?

A Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), is a medical specialist who diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the foot, ankle, and structures of the leg Podiatrists are the most qualified doctors to care for your feet. They complete four years of training in a podiatric medical school and three years of hospital residency training. This training […]
Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a nail curves down at the sides and grows into the skin. Ingrown toenails most often occur with the big toe and be very painful. Ingrown toenail are usually caused by improper trimming of the nail. Improper footwear, trauma to the to the feet or heredity may also cause the condition. […]